Matchmaking Maestros Volume 6

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Romance! Fantasy and fabulosity! The color pink! Dating shows, science experiments gone awry, aliens, demons, and a murder mystery! Matchmaking Maestros is a fun series that isn't afraid to get outlandish as possible. We follow a group of dating game show hosts-with a catch. They all have extremely dark secrets they hide from one another. The series is an ongoing, fully colored comic series.

In this volume, the maestros get competitive with a rival dating show-that opens up directly next door to them. Maestro Grim and Benny cook up a plan to sabotage the enemy hosts!

Mary the Little Lamb comes across a winter town in desperate need.

Matchmaking Maestros is a found-family story that revolves around familial relationships, platonic love, and an ongoing mystery (With a little romance here and there, because what would a comic about dating show hosts be without it?) Warning for language-albeit censored.

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Matchmaking Maestros Volume 6

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